If you're a spokesperson or often speak to the media or important stakeholders, you likely want to be as effective as possible in relaying your important information.
Over 29 years as an international journalist and more recently as an executive coach for the past decade, I've observed several qualities the best spokespeople all share.

Be physically and emotionally present
Be knowledgeable
Be memorable in the way that you present your ideas
Be human. Show genuine empathy when people are affected
Be prepared and expect the unexpected. As a spokesperson, you have to anticipate and be ready for the good & bad
Be magnanimous. Take the high road when discussing the competition and rise above the urge to criticize
Who do you think passes the test of a great spokesperson?
We all have at least one person in mind whom we believe is a great spokesperson. I think Richard Branson is that guy and here are six reasons why. #RichardBranson, #CSuite, #communicator, #entrepreneur, #executivecoach, #MediaTraining, #PresentationSkills #presentations, #spokesman, #spokesperson, #VanMedia, #GlennvanZutphen